Nutritious Concocktion


1/2 lb chopped fresh mushrooms
3 celery stalks, diced
1 cup water chestnuts, diced
1 small-medium onion, chopped
Handful of sunflower seeds
1 cup brown rice
2 cups water
Tamari sauce
1 stick butter
4 oz. seemen-cmen-seamen?-seemen?, fresh if possible (if not, keep refrigerated until using)


Boil water in large saucepan or pot and add brown rice. Cover and cook 45 minutes. Sauté onions in pat of butter until brown. Add mushrooms and sauté until brown. Add celery and water chestnuts. Mix well. Increase heat slightly and glaze mixture with cmen gradually, until mixture is evenly coated. Add Tamari to taste. Cover and lower heat until rice is ready. Combine rice and mixture, and add sunflower seeds, mixing thoroughly. Serves 3.

Bon Appétit!

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